

Every one in a while I try experimenting with vintage lenses. Mosty from Nikon, but there are exceptions. In this particular situation I caught Bogdana not noticing the camera and that’s usually where the magic happens. Once she notices I’m taking photos it’s time to stop ’cause nothing good can came out of it.

Most friends love this photo and I also think it’s a great. Each time I look at it I always think of the The Thinker by Auguste Rodin. This actually made my go down the rabbit hole of “what’s the difference between thinking and contemplating?”. After 20min of contemplating about “thinking vs. contemplating” I began thinking it’s a waste of time so I cut my losses and startet writing this post.

For those wondering, the lens in question is the Nikon AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8D ED-IF. Adapted on my (at the time) new Fujifilm X-H2s. There’s  great potential in this lens and, compared to other vintage Nikon lenses, this is actually sharp enough that’s worth using wide open. I hate it when people excuse a lens’s softness with the “but it’s got incredible character” argument. After contemplating for 2 years about this “character” nonsense I finally understood that most of the vloggers/bloggers promoting character over lack of sharpness are usually full of shit. If it’s soft enough to be unusable wide open it can have all the “character” in the world, I’m not using it wide open.

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