Icicles on the Balcony

Cold Icicles on the Balcony

These cold icicles had appeared on my balcony in the Winter of 2018-2019. That season I saw something I never saw before in Bucharest: everything was frozen. And I don’t mean cold, I mean all the threes, the pavements, the cars were enveloped in a layer of clear ice. What had happened was the snow was melting and at some point all of it melted. But then rain started to fall. I think it rained for about 1-2 days. Temperatures were hovering around 0 degrees Celsius in the day and bellow 0 at night. This resulted in water slowly but gradually freezing on trees, wires, cars, pavements.

There were icicles everywhere. I should have went out and shot a lot more photos, but the weather was bad, roads were very slippery and I was lazy. So I finally got out on the balcony just as the ice started to melt and shot a few photos.

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